Sunday, March 11, 2018

The moon is actually an alien spaceship

While doing some research on this week’s space topic, I came across a website run by a group of people whole-heartedly believe that the moon is hollow. They have dedicated their lives to proving it, actually. As I read through the website, it only became more… insane. They believe the moon is hollow because of an alien civilization. Sometimes they even refer to their theory as the Spaceship Moon hypothesis. This theory began with the author H.G. Wells. He was the first to talk about it. He wrote about it in his book, “The First Men in the Moon”. The main evidence that these conspiracists have are the Apollo Missions. The moon landings have been the center of controversy and conspiracy since they happened. There has always been speculation at to whether or not we actually went to the moon, what we found there, and how much information NASA is actually hiding from us. At the end of the Apollo Missions, NASA put radars on the moon to monitor natural earthquakes and other seismic activities. Eventually, they found that the moon rings like a bell. It would vibrate for hours at a time. Scientists stated that the moon’s density is significantly lower than the Earth’s. But these conspiracists believe its because aliens are spying on us from a space ship that just happens to look like the moon.

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